Logo Challenge Day 8

This prompt was an interesting one. I can’t say I have ever tried bubble tea so I spent a lot of time reading up on what it is.

I tried to go cute on this one, focussed on doing a logo with a bubble tea cup design and decided to do two versions side by side.

Given that the brief mentioned wanting to modify, I used this as an excuse to play around with layers and grouping so my PSD is set up so that I can change elements with ease i.e. colouring of the content, the cup, the straw, the bubbles etc.

First attempt the font wasn’t quite right so I found a nice font on adobe fonts that gave a bubble effect and keeps it’s clarity.

For the mock-up, I found a mock-up of a cup from Zippy Designs on pinterest and played around till I got it how I wanted it and added the logo to the cup and page and created a flavour (having looked them up online!)

Quite a fun one, but hard when you don’t know the product. Made this as cute/friendly as possible.

Logo Challenge Day 8
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